Ever wonder what life is like as a hang glider test pilot? (I’m not sure I had that particular thought, but I’ve often imagined what it would be like to fly a hang glider.) This month’s feature article is written by a hang glider test pilot, one who has presented at SETP symposia before. His topic this month hearkens back to a paper he presented (one you can download from the SETP website), but it incorporates his application of an idea found in a previous edition of this newsletter.
One company test safety manager also responded with an example of how he was using the same topic from a past newsletter in his bi-weekly safety meeting discussion.
So to summarize: that’s reader feedback and participation in this medium that links to flight test safety resources in our other media and discussion inside yet another company. *This* is exactly the kind of synergy that we intend to cultivate in our community. So I’m delighted, and the topic also scratches my technical itch.
I hope you find the same utility in this month’s Flight Test Safety Fact, and if you have a question or idea, I hope you too send us your response or article.
Mark Jones Jr.
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